
News and Events
Tessa Robinson

Ask the Expert - Asking For Evidence To Remain Anonymous

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Each month we will be asking a question on a hot topic to one of our employment specialists. This month, Tessa Robinson, Senior Associate considers what happens when an employee asks for their evidence to remain anonymous in an internal grievance,...

The Election: What this means for Employment law

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With labour winning a majority in the General Election, it is highly likely they will be able to proceed with their proposed changes to employment law, as set out in their election manifesto. Following our summary last week, we take a deeper look at the...

1 Week To Go - Change In Employment Law Is Coming...

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With one week to go until the General Election, we have summarised each of the main political parties election pledges in relation to employment law, and provide our view as to the impact these may have! To avoid any politic persuasion – we have listed...

Guidance on reasonable adjustments for menopause

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The Equality and Human Rights Commission have, last week, published guidance for employers on menopause and the Equality Act. The aim is to clarify the legal obligations of employers and to foster positive conversations about the menopause with their...

Fire and rehire - the Code of Practice

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The Government has, last week, published its response to the consultation on the draft statutory Code of Practice on Dismissal and Re-engagement (commonly known as fire and rehire). There have been longstanding concerns over the use of this practice, and...

Gender Identity in the workplace

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In today's ever-evolving society, it is vital that workplaces prioritise inclusivity and understanding. One crucial aspect of this is navigating gender identity in the workplace. Understanding and supporting employees who identify as transgender or...

Mental Health & duty of care for employers

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Next in our series of Equality Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace, we take a look at mental health. The events of the past few years, and current cost of living crisis, is placing a large burden on many individuals, resulting in a variety of...

UK Employment Law changes under Retained EU Law Bill

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After a relatively stable period in UK Employment Law, the government has announced a raft of proposed changes.

Neurodiversity & ADHD in the workplace

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In the first of a series of articles by Tessa Robinson on the ever important and evolving subject of Equality Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace, we take a look at neurodiversity with a focus on ADHD. ADHD has seen a marked rise in...