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Wellbeing at Work and The Importance Of It

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Wellbeing at Work and The Importance Of It

Why is wellbeing at work so important? Enhancing employee satisfaction, reducing stress, and boosting overall performance are just a few reasons. But is it the organisation’s responsibility to promote a healthy lifestyle and mental health to their employees?

What does the phrase wellbeing mean?  The phrase "wellbeing" refers to the state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy. It encompasses both physical and mental health, as well as overall life satisfaction and a sense of purpose. In the context of work, wellbeing includes factors such as work-life balance, job satisfaction, and a supportive work environment. By prioritising wellbeing, companies can cultivate a thriving work environment where everyone can succeed! Currently, in the UK, according to the Office for National Statistics, there are 2.3 million people who have low life satisfaction and 10.4 million who are struggling with anxiety.

In recent years, there has been a significant focus on happiness and wellbeing in the workplace, with many organisations implementing steps to address this. According to a CIPD survey, 78% of organisations are developing strategies to lower employee stress. But is implementing strategies alone enough? It is important to review these processes to assess their impact regularly. Without regular evaluation, you risk wasting time and resources. One effective method for measuring workplace wellbeing is conducting anonymous internal surveys, and What Works Wellbeing offers excellent tools to assist with this.

Organisations may believe that their responsibility ends once they have introduced initiatives like yoga classes or flexible working options. Employers need to recognise that one boot does not fit all! For instance, a free gym membership might significantly benefit an employee struggling financially, while it may have less impact on someone with a comfortable income. Additionally, financial stability does not mean employees won’t be stressed from other sources. Therefore, it is necessary to keep an eye on these strategies and encourage open communication with employees to ensure their effectiveness!

Why is it important for organisations to focus on employee wellbeing?

  • Enhanced Workforce Resilience; Strengthening resilience enables employees to manage daily work stress and personal issues more effectively. Implementing appropriate mental health and wellbeing strategies can prevent problems from escalating.
  • Boosted Staff Engagement and Productivity; Employees who feel appreciated and heard are more inclined to align with the organisation’s objectives, collaborate effectively, and perform at their best.
  • Decreased Sick Leave and Absenteeism; When employees' wellbeing needs are addressed, they are less likely to take sick leave and more likely to return to work promptly and sustainably after any leave.
  • Improved Staff Retention; Cultivating a workplace environment that promotes loyalty and high morale helps retain employees longer, thereby reducing recruitment expenses.
  • Elevated Company Reputation; Prioritising workplace wellbeing reflects strong values and ethics, making the organisation more attractive to high-quality talent.

Prioritising wellbeing at work is essential for creating a productive and positive workplace. Addressing the physical and mental health needs of employees enhances job satisfaction, reduces stress, and boosts performance. Organisations must commit to the development of their wellbeing strategies to meet diverse employee needs.

Effective wellbeing initiatives lead to increased staff engagement, reduced absenteeism, improved retention, enhanced resilience, and a stronger company reputation. Promoting a culture of open communication ensures that these strategies are truly beneficial.

Ultimately, focusing on employee wellbeing is both a moral obligation and a strategic advantage, building a resilient and high-performing workforce that drives organisational success!